Bespoke modular construction specialist Elite Systems wanted to speak directly to its well-defined audience of healthcare trusts, estates managers, and local authorities – without the hard-sell.
Harris was tasked with developing a direct marketing programme that would prompt engagement in a way that left recipients wanting to find out more, to pave the way for Elite’s concurrent telesales programme and business development team. The brief called for a personable, thoughtful style of communication that would allow Elite to build ongoing relationships with its target customers, rather than getting a quick sale.
And objectives were clear-cut, with Elite specifying that the campaign had to generate a minimum of 15 enquiries from within the healthcare sector, convert at least 10 per cent of these to orders, and ultimately to see sales within the healthcare sector contribute up to 25 per cent of the company’s turnover.
In recognition of people’s shifting working patterns, and the fact that Elite’s target customers are often incredibly time-poor, we identified e-marketing as the correct channel for this campaign. Working with Elite’s business development manager, we segmented the company’s prospect list into specialist categories to ensure we could send relevant messages to the right group at the appropriate time. The activity had a particular focus on healthcare, with education also an important target market.
Our design team developed a consistent style, with project photography, infographics and icons, and used Elite’s signature green and white colour scheme to develop brand recognition. E-shots featured case studies, project updates, and educational information such as ‘five benefits of modular construction for healthcare’. In all cases, calls to action pointed to further information on the Elite website. In total, in a one-year period, Elite and Harris issued 13 eShots. The open rate on these e-shots was 7.7 per cent – well above the average open rate of 6.3.
We also launched Elite Systems’ newsletter, ‘Make it Modular’, as an e-newsletter and a high-quality printed document to provide prospects with a glimpse into the company’s people, business developments such as new product lines and project wins, and industry insights.
The results speak for themselves, with every objective not only reached, but exceeded. Elite received 25 enquiries from the healthcare sector alone as a direct result of this campaign, with a quarter of these resulting in orders.
The impact on Elite’s bottom line was significant, with healthcare sector sales – historically a more challenging area for the business – increasing to the point that they contributed almost half of the company’s turnover for the year.