Published - 23rd March 2010
Of course we all want to do everything possible to reduce the impact we and our companies have on the environment, and one of the biggest factors can be our use of printed material. Most people are aware of recycled stocks, but are there other, more beneficial ways to market your company without it costing the earth?
We have mentioned recycled, and while it certainly has its place and does offer sustainable benefits there are other ways to do your bit. More and more FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) are becoming an everyday way of ensuring your company’s marketing output is environmentally conscious. At its most basic it means that the pulp used on your printed matter comes only from well-managed, sustainable sources – where the harvesting of trees is controlled and sources are renewed. Carbon Neutral printers are also starting to become more available, and can provide a real boost to a company’s green agenda.
There are other ways to reduce the effect your print buying has on the world. Try and keep the use of print finishing to a minimum – matt laminate, spot UV and so on all have their own environmental implications. Others ways include keeping the size of your documents ‘standard’ – thereby reducing the amount of sheet waste that on occasion custom sizes can create.
Always ensure you work with a credible and recognised print provider, ideally one with ISO 14001 accreditation, the Environmental Management Standard, as well as obviously FSC, PEFC. A good supplier will be happy to work with you in reducing the impact your marketing has on the environment.
Horses for courses. For low run projects use digital rather than lithographic print; not only will it help save the environment it will also save you money. While lithographic (or litho) is suited for the majority of larger volume print requirements, recent developments and progressions in digital print have seen digital print become more widely used. Generally for standard size (A5 – A3) print runs of less than 250 digital will provide the most cost-effective solution. It can also be a viable solution for such as a low number of business cards etc.
The ‘greenest’ kind of print? Not printing… consider using e-marketing in place of traditional print. With both cost and sustainability benefits can you afford not to review your current print activity. E-marketing can provide an economical, effective, quick, easy and – best of all – trackable marketing solution. It’s easier and more affordable than you may think to going with e-marketing
The benefits to your company of adopting a green agenda are numerous and can, if correctly adopted, strengthen your clients perception of your company – in today’s ‘green focused’ world that cannot be underestimated.
At Harris we have years of proven experience in providing marketing solutions that make a real difference to both your company and the environment. To talk with a company that takes the time to understand your business, your goals and your values get in touch today.
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