Harris on the march for Cancer Research UK

A graphic showing the members of the Harris team participating in the Night Walk. Including: Zeitzan, Lucy, Neil, Emily, Karla, Amy, Caroline, Liz, and Kirsty.

Come October, the Harris Creative team will be lacing up our walking boots and taking to the streets to march for a very good cause: the Shine Night Walk for Cancer Research UK.

We’ll be donning our glow-sticks and glitter to join hundreds of fundraisers on 21st October 2022 as they undertake a night time 10k walk around Leeds city centre with the aim of raising much-needed funds to help fund vital research projects and get one step closer to beating cancer.

The walk takes us on a street lit tour of our home city, including a close encounter with Harris HQ, and we’re asking our colleagues, clients, suppliers, friends and families to support us as we try to raise as much money as possible for this very worthy cause.

Everyone taking part in the challenge for Harris has had their lives touched by cancer in some way, whether it’s sadly losing a loved one, or knowing someone who has beaten cancer – so it’s a cause that is close to all of our hearts. And with one in two people likely to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, helping to fund research into new treatments and therapies is vital to us all.

We’re proud of our team for pulling together and signing up to such a worthy cause – if you want to find out more, discover the personal stories behind why we’re all taking part, or follow our fundraising journey, check out our fundraising page. We’d be delighted if you could put a few pounds in the bucket while you’re there!

Our joint managing director, Neil Craven, said: “Like many people cancer has, sadly, affected mine and my family’s lives, and the impact of losing a loved one to this terrible disease is profound. Fundraising activities like this are really important to fund research and fight back. I’m very proud of the Harris team for showing their support with the Shine Night Walk, and I’m really looking forward to walking around our hometown of Leeds at nighttime too.”

There are Shine Night Walks taking places across the UK in September and October, so if you’d like to get a team together and march for Cancer Research UK, we’d be delighted for you to join us.

Harris » Harris on the march for Cancer Research UK