Getting to Know: Liz

Getting to Know: Liz

You already know that Neil has two pet horses and how much Caz loves running, but how much do you know about our PR account manager, Liz? It’s time you got to know our resident star baker.

 Tell us a bit about your role at Harris.

I look after several of our PR clients on a day-to-day basis, to make sure everything runs smoothly and goes to plan each month. I write a mixture of content for our clients too – everything from press releases, case studies and in-depth technical features to blogs, new stories and social media posts.

How would you describe the culture at Harris?

It sounds corny but we’re just like a family. The fact that we all genuinely enjoy each other’s company makes for a fun working environment and there’s a never-ending supply of sweet treats too! Best of all, you know you can rely on the rest of the team if ever you need it. 

What’s been your favourite project to work on?

There has been so many – it’s hard to choose! I think working on the award entry for Miller, which went on to win the Commercial innovation of the Year category at the Construction News Awards has been a particular highlight this year.

What made you choose to work in PR?

I have to admit I didn’t set out to work in PR – it’s a happy accident! I studied English Language at university because I am a bit of a grammar geek and have always enjoyed writing. I like the challenge of tailoring copy for different audiences and the fact that no two days are the same, so PR feels like the perfect fit.

What does your press release writing playlist consist of?

Anything suitably chilled out that I can listen to without properly listening to. Music by London Grammar, Kodaline and more recently Christine and the Queens (thanks Faye!) are all great to work to as well as old favourites like James Taylor. I can listen to the same album and even the same song over and over if I’m in the midst of writing.

 You’re a keen camper – what are your top three camping essentials?

Well apart from all the properly practical things you need (like a tent and kettle) I never go camping without:

  • Yorkshire teabags. It doesn’t matter where I am in the world, my morning cuppa is a must.
  • Wellies and flip flops. That way, I’m prepared for unpredictability of the great British summer.
  • My trusty camping cookbook and (ahem) wine. I love cooking and being out in the great outdoors doesn’t stop me!

 If you had to liken yourself to any Disney character, who would it be and why?

Belle from Beauty and the Beast – just because she loves reading so much!

If you were a contestant on GBBO, what would your signature bake be?

It would be a classic Victoria sponge. It’s something I used to make all the time with my grandma when I was younger and it’s a recipe that never fails*.


*Editor’s note: The office can vouch for this.


Harris » Getting to Know: Liz