Getting to Know: Amy

The latest subject in our getting to know series is our latest PR and social media recruit, Amy Holmes. You might already know that she loves cheap flights, but can you guess her favourite place from her travels? Read on to find out!


Tell us a bit about your role at Harris.

My role is split between PR and social media. I’m involved in writing and sending out press releases, as well as producing social media content for Harris and our clients. It’s a really varied role and I like that because I do PR as well as social media, I can really see the end-to-end of a project, from the initial ideas to finishing that particular campaign.

How would you describe the culture at Harris?

There’s a really friendly and relaxed atmosphere, but everyone works hard to achieve the best results for clients. It’s really collaborative and there’s no sense of competitiveness (other than during our Friday afternoon quizzes!) or people being in it for themselves, so everyone’s always willing to help out. I’ve been involved in campaigns right from my first week, which just goes to show that everyone’s input is genuinely appreciated.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

Probably how varied it is – no two days are the same. Working across both PR and social media, there’s always something different which definitely keeps it interesting.

Why did you decide to make the move into PR and social media?

I’ve always enjoyed writing so always knew that I’d end up working in an environment where I could write. I like the idea of helping businesses to grow which obviously PR and social media are a huge part of nowadays, so making the move just made sense for me

You went travelling for just over six months – what was your favourite place you went to and why?

That’s a tough one! It’s probably a tie between Fiji and Cambodia. I’d wanted to go to Fiji for such a long time because I’ve always had the image in my head of it being made up total paradise islands, and it definitely fit the bill! Cambodia was also one of my favourites; I just absolutely fell in love with it. It’s such a different culture but the people are so lovely, and the beaches are beautiful.

You wrote a travel blog while you were away travelling, what inspired you to do this?

I really like writing so I just thought it would be something fun to do while I had some ‘down time’ while travelling. It was also a good way of family members who don’t have social media keeping up to date on where I was and what I’d been up to. It’s basically a collection of what I did and my favourite photos from the trip, so I think it will be something nice to look back on in the future.

You love cheap flights, so where are you hoping to pick up a bargain for next?

I’m always happy to just see where the cheapest flights take me, but I’m very keen to see more Nordic countries so somewhere like Norway would be ideal.

Give an interesting fact about yourself that might surprise us.

When I was younger I trained in a mixed martial arts discipline for a few years and worked my way up to a black belt, and also did a training programme to be an assistant instructor. I haven’t done any training since I was a teenager but it still counts, right?!

Harris » Getting to Know: Amy