Published - 14th December 2018
It’s been a busy year for us here at Harris, so we’re delighted to have been able to welcome five new members of staff in 2018 to help us out. They’ve settled right in and produced some great work, and we can’t wait to see how they’ll get on here next year. Read on to find out what our new starters have to say about their time with us so far.
PR account executive
“I’ve learnt so much since I started working at Harris in April, thanks to everyone being so knowledgeable and supportive. It’s a great environment to work in, where everyone’s opinion and input is valued. Ever since my first week here, I’ve been producing real work for our clients which illustrates how inclusive Harris is as an agency. There’s a real sense of teamwork and wanting to produce the best work possible for clients.
“I’ve recently been involved with working on plans for next year – we have some great ideas and I’m so excited to see what 2019 brings for us.”
Junior developer, designer and analyst
“I started working at Harris in summer and having the opportunity to be able to work in such an established agency is a wonderful experience. We have a great team made up of people who are willing to both help each other out and go the extra mile for clients – the amount of awards we have speaks for itself. I love that I’m able to work as a hybrid developer, designer and analyst as it keeps my role fresh and exciting, and it’s allowed me to play a key role in projects such as Aire Valley – a new site under construction – by developing the whole website myself with the support of the team.
“As a developer, I’m always looking for the latest software advances and the chance to use them, so I’m excited to see how we’ll use these next year.”
“Although I’d been working freelance for Harris for a few months, I came on board full time in June this year and have learnt a lot in that short space of time. I love that I’m constantly adopting new skills, and since I’ve been here I’ve learnt so much about motion graphics as well as composition and lighting in photography. My favourite thing about working at Harris though has to be the people – there’s such a friendly, family vibe.
“My favourite project that I’ve been involved with this year has to be filming and photographing the Crown Paints Apprentice Decorator of the Year national final as it was such a fun event. I’m looking forward to doing bigger projects in 2019 – and to the sun coming back in summer for photography!”
Junior creative designer
“I’ve been working for Harris for around five months and right away, I felt like part of the team as there’s such a family feel – it’s a fun environment yet everyone is really focused and produces great work. I love that my job is so varied, which means that I’m always learning new things and problem solving. Harris has given me the opportunity to work directly with clients which has taught me so much about the ‘real world’ of design.
“I’m looking forward to continuing my work on projects in 2019, as well as seeing a full year of commercial design.”
Digital designer/developer
“I only started working for Harris in October, and love that we all work really hard but are still able to maintain a fantastic working environment. The people definitely make the agency and I’m so pleased to be able to work in such a relaxed and friendly yet hardworking office. I’ve learnt a lot already, including that no matter how much salad is in it, kebabs are not a healthy lunch choice!
“My favourite project to work on so far has been redesigning and building the CDUK website, and next year I’m looking forward to the launch of the website and gauging the responses to it. I’m also hoping 2019 will be the year we get an office dog!”
You can keep an eye on team updates on our Twitter page.
Harris ยป