Published - 6th January 2016
There are occasions where architectural stills photography simply can’t convey the full scope of a project. We have therefore developed a unique and cost-effective architectural video service which provides clients with short films, shot to the same high standards as our architectural photography service, designed to communicate fully the scale, context and detail of projects. The films can be captioned or a voice-over incorporated and where appropriate, stills photography can be cost-effectively undertaken on the same shoot.
The redevelopment of Reading Station, one of the UKs busiest railway stations, is a perfect example of how this service works so successfully.
To fully document the off-site manufacture and subsequent installation of the project, which involved our client Lakesmere, we were commissioned to produce a short video as well as architectural photography of the finished project.
A total of six visits over a 12-month period, to the off-site factory in Dorset and the station during installation, provided the footage for a video that documented the total process.
Interviews with the project delivery team provided the narrative together with a glowing client testimonial on completion of the project.
In addition to being incorporated into the client’s website, the video is used regularly by the sales team to help convey the benefits that off-site brought to the project including a reduced programme, improved health and safety and enhanced quality.
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