Published - 17th June 2016
For our client Arbordeck, the run-up to the start of ‘decking season’ is a crucial time, and a strong marketing campaign is essential to maximise sales.
Arbordeck provides high quality timber decking and is the UK’s exclusive distributor of Trex Transcend composite decking – a lower maintenance alternative to traditional timber decking.
This year, the company asked us to create a slick, accessible new website that would help build consumer awareness of their decking products and compliment the prime-time TV campaign being run by Trex during the Easter period.
We created a bold, easy-to-navigate website with striking photography and clean visuals, with a navigation that would help users to find the website’s free sample request feature.
The website’s usability was confirmed when the request feature received almost 2,500 form submissions – an increase of over 393% compared to requests made in the previous Easter period via the company’s old website.
We also produced a comprehensive lifestyle brochure for physical distribution and a number of videos and blogs that have been shared across the web, all designed to tie in with the on-going marketing activity from Trex.
With such a strong start to the 2016 decking season, we’d say Arbordeck has hit the deck running! Would you agree?
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