Published - 18th January 2016
The millennial generation, born between 1980 and 2000 and arguably the largest and most educated generation in history, has grown up in an era of rapid change, resulting in priorities and expectations like no other generation. As a consequence, and as they enter their prime working years, their impact on the workplace will be immense. So what does this mean to the employer?
Millennials have grown up with technology. They live and breathe social media, they share opinions on social platforms because they want to be heard and they want their opinions to count. So listen to them, respect their opinions and you will motivate them to the good of their development, the workplace and the business.
Because sharing across social platforms is second nature to millennials, they have grown up with the honesty and openness that sharing demands, so whether it’s good news or bad share it with them – it’s a culture that millennials will respond to, helping them feel part of the team.
Millennials are comfortable with finding information out for themselves. Online interrogation comes as second nature so give them autonomy to work in their own way and you might be surprised at how much more they can contribute. Yes, support them in their personal development but let them learn by doing rather than being told what to do.
Millennials are more socially conscious than any other generation, they want to contribute positively to the world and they want to work for employers with strong corporate values so they are more likely to remain with a business whose values match their own.
Because they have grown up with rapid communication, the old order of annual reviews just won’t wash. Give honest feedback regularly, applaud improvements, recognise contributions and allow faster advancement.
In general they want career advancement based on contribution to the business not based on seniority and length of service. And why not? Surely by providing millennials with an environment they feel a part of, a business they respect and enjoy working in and one that quickly recognises their contribution, everyone will benefit.
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